Official VTU transcript

Saturday, May 23, 2009

What is an official VTU transcript?

Official VTU transcript

An official VTU transcript is printed out, marks of all your semester in almost in a single sheet and, sealed.

It’s called as official because it’s given printed by VTU.

But, many universities don’t prefer it, as they can’t see you individual marks in each subject in a semester and backlogs if you have any.

Before applying to official VTU transcript or Attested VTU transcript, make sure what your university which you are applying prefer and want.

What is the Cost for official VTU transcript?

A first copy of official Transcript Cost Rs 250/-

An addition copy cost Rs 150/-

For example, if you want 11 copies, it’s going to be

(1*250)+ (10*150)

Do call and confirm, as the cost may change

What are the things or documents required to get VTU official transcripts?

· The application form or request form that you fill up for VTU official transcripts.

· DD with the specified amount.

· All your original marks cards, if you’re visiting VTU, Belgaum. To show them for verification.

How to get VTU official transcripts?

You need to submit DD’s and Application form or request letter addressing to the registrar.

They are two ways in which you can get your official VTU transcripts.

1. Getting through post.

It’s going to take time, since you need to post them with the required documents, wait until you get it back.

2. Visiting VTU Belgaum

You can get it in a single day.

Click to know about Visiting VTU Belgaum

Official VTU Site

VTU Belgaum Address

The VTU Registrar,
Jnana Sangama,
Karnataka, India – 590014

VTU Registrar Email

VTU Registrar Telephone

Telephone: 0831-2405468
Fax: 0831-2405467